![]() |
Wizards Magic
MTG based computer game
Functions | |
def | clean |
def | playmusic |
def | set_element_sound |
Variables | |
yes_pygame = True | |
tuple | current_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
tuple | panels = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | interface = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | cards_in_deck = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | ccards_1 = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | ccards_2 = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | magic_cards = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | card_info_group = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | information_group = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | menu_group = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple | font = pygame.font.Font(current_folder+"/misc/Neocyr.ttf", 15) |
tuple | font2 = pygame.font.Font(current_folder+"/misc/Domestic_Manners.ttf", 15) |
string | cards_of_element_shower_element = "water" |
selected_card = False | |
selected_elem = None | |
screen = None | |
player = None | |
player1 = None | |
player2 = None | |
int | player_id = 0 |
list | players = [[]] |
list | games_cards = [{}] |
opponent_disconnect = False | |
cast_focus = False | |
cast_focus_wizard = None | |
list | animations_running = [] |
list | cards_attacking = [] |
turn_ended = False | |
cli = False | |
int | stage = 0 |
question = False | |
string | answer = "" |
int | answer_maxchar = 0 |
string | answer_cmd = "" |
itemfocus = None | |
running = True | |
server_thread = None | |
string | music = 'Y' |
string | sound = 'Y' |
string | nick = "" |
string | server = "" |
string | port = "" |
def globals.clean | ( | ) |
def globals.playmusic | ( | time = None | ) |
global function to control music and sounds
time used for fadeout (ms)
def globals.set_element_sound | ( | element | ) |
list globals.animations_running = [] |
string globals.answer = "" |
string globals.answer_cmd = "" |
int globals.answer_maxchar = 0 |
tuple globals.card_info_group = pygame.sprite.Group() |
list globals.cards_attacking = [] |
tuple globals.cards_in_deck = pygame.sprite.Group() |
string globals.cards_of_element_shower_element = "water" |
globals.cast_focus = False |
globals.cast_focus_wizard = None |
tuple globals.ccards_1 = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple globals.ccards_2 = pygame.sprite.Group() |
globals.cli = False |
tuple globals.current_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
tuple globals.font = pygame.font.Font(current_folder+"/misc/Neocyr.ttf", 15) |
tuple globals.font2 = pygame.font.Font(current_folder+"/misc/Domestic_Manners.ttf", 15) |
list globals.games_cards = [{}] |
tuple globals.information_group = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple globals.interface = pygame.sprite.Group() |
globals.itemfocus = None |
tuple globals.magic_cards = pygame.sprite.Group() |
tuple globals.menu_group = pygame.sprite.Group() |
string globals.music = 'Y' |
string globals.nick = "" |
globals.opponent_disconnect = False |
tuple globals.panels = pygame.sprite.Group() |
globals.player = None |
globals.player1 = None |
globals.player2 = None |
int globals.player_id = 0 |
list globals.players = [[]] |
string globals.port = "" |
globals.question = False |
globals.running = True |
globals.screen = None |
globals.selected_card = False |
globals.selected_elem = None |
string globals.server = "" |
globals.server_thread = None |
string globals.sound = 'Y' |
int globals.stage = 0 |
globals.turn_ended = False |
globals.yes_pygame = True |